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Crystallographic term

The function that we have chosen to minimize is


where tex2html_wrap_inline2038 and tex2html_wrap_inline2040 are the observed and calculated structure factors and k is a scale factor. Note that no exponential factor is applied to the tex2html_wrap_inline2040 's. This will force the thermal factors of the individual atoms to include any `overall' mismatch between the observed and calculated data sets.

At the beginning of each cycle of refinement the scale factor k is determined by minimizing


where tex2html_wrap_inline2048 and tex2html_wrap_inline2050 is treated as a constant. Equation (7) includes an overall thermal factor B, which is necessary to allow for an initial overall discrepancy between the tex2html_wrap_inline2038 's and tex2html_wrap_inline2040 's. Although both k and B are treated as variables in the minimization of (7), only k is substituted in (6). As the refinement proceeds, the discrepancy represented by B is absorbed within the thermal factors of the individual atoms and, during successive cycles, rapidly approaches zero.

Each module of the refinement package is able to calculate both the value and the gradient of its term. For the crystallographic term the structure factors are calculated by a space-group-specific FFT (Ten Eyck, 1977). The gradients are calculated by a modified version of the procedure outlined by Agarwal (1978). This modified version was devised by A. Lifchitz (Agarwal, Lifchitz & Dodson, 1981; Isaacs, 1982) and is described in detail in Appendix A. In outline, the procedure is as follows. An ( tex2html_wrap_inline2066 ) map is calculated for the molecular volume. For each parameter in the model a convolution, evaluated at the atomic position, is calculated between this map and the derivative of the calculated atomic electron density function for the atom involved. Because the extent of the electron cloud of a single atom is small, the calculation of this convolution is rapid. Usually the calculation of the convolutions takes about a quarter of the time required to calculate the difference map.

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Dale Edwin Tronrud
Thu Jan 22 14:07:35 PST 1998