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Parameter Determination

The parameters tex2html_wrap_inline631 and tex2html_wrap_inline635 can be determined empirically from the discrepancy between tex2html_wrap_inline573 and tex2html_wrap_inline575 . The most convenient time for their calculation is when the calculated and observed data are scaled to each other. In TNT the scaling parameters are found by minimizing


This is a four-parameter scaling function. The parameter k converts the units of the calculated structure factors to the arbitrary units of the observed structure factors. B is the correction for the error in the mean temperature factor of the model. tex2html_wrap_inline631 and tex2html_wrap_inline635 have been discussed.

Minimizing Equation 10 can be described as fitting a curve with the sum of two Gaussians. This type of problem is difficult because the exponential coefficients B and tex2html_wrap_inline635 are highly correlated. The method chosen to fit these parameters is the Levenberg-Marquardt method [Press et al., 1986]. This method combines the best of the full-matrix and steepest descent methods and will usually converge to a reasonable set of parameters within 10 cycles.

Figure ii shows the individual shell scale factors from Figure i with the solvent-corrected scale factor function superimposed. The curve fits the individual points in all major respects.

Dale Edwin Tronrud

Thu Nov 20 13:34:16 PST 1997