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The reduction of series termination errors

The calculation of the convolutions in (19)-(22) involves sampling each of the functions at discrete points, multiplying the values point by point, and summing all the products. The sampling interval required to represent a function with a given accuracy depends on the magnitude of the high-resolution components of that function. There is no problem determining the sampling interval for the function on the left of the convolution because it contains no components of resolution higher than the measured data. However, the function on the extreme right-hand side of (19)-(22) are not of limited resolution and therefore, at least in principle, must be sampled on a very find grid. This problem existed in the original equations (15)-(18) but is much more serious with the new form of (19)-(22) because the high-resolution components are enhanced by the inclusion of the crystallographic indices (h,k,l). This problem is most severe in the calculation of the temperature-factor derivatives (22) because of the tex2html_wrap_inline2186 factor. A mechanism to allow these functions to be calculated using the somewhat coarser grid has been devised by recognizing that the errors introduced by a coarse grid are fundamentally the same as those encountered in the calculation of structure factors using the FFT method (Ten Eyck, 1977). The solution involves `smearing' or `blurring' the function of interest so that it is sampled by a larger number of grid points. The `smearing' must be compensated elsewhere in the calculation. In this case the compensation is achieved by `sharpening' the difference map. This can be done without introducing additional errors because no new high-resolution terms are introduced into the difference map. The final equations, as used in the program ADERIV, are





Dale Edwin Tronrud
Thu Jan 22 14:07:35 PST 1998